About ILAC

The greatest feature of ILAC is that the balance of Kura is good for classes due to nationality restrictions set to 30% each. There are a variety of programs according to the international and rich environment among the language schools in Canada and the level from English beginner to native level. It is one of the attractions that not only learning but also fulfilling activities to support studying abroad life are available.

Characteristics of school

➜ Classes are organized so that more than 5 students in one class will mix

➜Because there are large schools, there are abundant numbers of activities

➜ The largest university in Canada, the number of college partnerships

➜ Because there are many students, it is suitable for making friends

Voice of ILAC students

My teacher gave me kindness and it was very hard for me to improve my English. Also, in the school there was a computer that can be used free of the Internet, so it was possible to study English there. Also, there are museums in the vicinity of the school, so it is possible to enjoy museums and others, such as returning to school and holidays, I feel that it was in a very good environment.
Many people came from Colombia, Brazil, Mexico and Chile in my class. However, it was regrettable that there were few vacation and few people returned home in less than a month. But now it is time to communicate with SNS, so I was not lonely at all! Many activities are held and Toronto is doing some kind of events on the weekend and every day is enormously enriched!
Since classes are divided finely, I think that you can take classes from beginner to advanced grades at a level that suits me. The atmosphere of the school is the image that I am studying while enjoying in the early twenties of the world, lively generation. People who want to touch the diversity of races and cultures that are Toronto's charms are recommended.


Campus Location

920 Yonge St, 4th Floor, Toronto

Recommended Program

ILAC’s University Pathway Program is an advanced educational program to hone the English skills necessary to enter universities and colleges throughout Canada, which can be taken from level 10 of ILAC. After completing this program you will be able to proceed to universities and colleges throughout Canada.

A program recommended for students who are concerned about studying abroad or going to college soon after ILAC’s affiliated university, and after 16 weeks of university preparation preparation course, 1 semester ( 16 weeks) It is a total of 8 months course that you can take classes in the department at the college.

LAC has a GMAT countermeasure program. This course consists of two parts, a Pre-Degree Certificate Program and a GMAT countermeasure program at The Princeton Review.

The GMAT countermeasure program is 3 hours a day, 7 weeks course, can be taken even in combination with other courses, it is also possible to attend afternoon or weekend. The lesson is a small-group program that learns in an environment close to the actual examination environment, and special lectures of mathematics and private lessons can be taken separately.

In addition, there is also support to go on to graduate school and it is the only language school in Toronto that can support international students’ MBA acquisition
