"second program"

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Second program in Canada

Categories : College, Immigration, Public College, Visa

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What are the benefits of enrolling in a second program in Canada?

Second Program In Canada More than 500 thousand international students immigrate to Canada every year for higher and quality education. And Canada also has been very welcoming to them. It is a pathway to a high standard of living for many. Moreover, these students can gain more benefits from enrolling in a second program in Canada. It opens a door to numerous opportunities that they wouldn’t obtain otherwise. So let us discuss the various benefits of enrolling in a second program here! Top 4 benefits of enrolling in a second program in Canada: 1. Longer post-graduate work permit – Students that are looking to stay longer in Canada should enroll in a second-year program. Because one year of study gives them only one year of post-graduate work permit. Whereas 2-3 years of study can give up to 3 years of PGWP. Most importantly, they get only one opportunity to apply for a PGWP. Hence, they should wisely extend their study plan if past work experience isn’t sufficient.     2. Boost CRS score – Canadian qualification holds a higher weightage for the PR (permanent resident) application. In other words, longer studies allow students to improve their CRS score. As a result, there is a greater possibility of getting selected in the express entry pool. Each additional level of education can earn them anywhere between 15 – 30 CRS points. And the higher the CRS score, the stronger is their PR application.   How to check CRS score? You can check CRS score here https://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/skilled/crs-tool.asp 3. Strengthen your profile – Along with a high CRS score, extending the study also helps them to improve their skill set. Its high quality of education prepares students to excel in this diverse cultural land. Longer studies can upgrade their skills to stay ahead in the competitive race. In addition, skill transferability can gain a maximum of 100 points. 4. Flexibility in switching career – Pursuing 2- 3 or more years of study in Canada can provide students better insights about making a career choice. Due to the exposure to wide career opportunities that help them switch roles or narrow down options. To summarize, getting themselves in a second program is the key to bountiful opportunities in Canada.  Furthermore, the extended study gives International students a firm stand in the competitive process and takes them closer to their Canadian PR dream. Are you an international student.....