
Toronto School of Management

Tuition: 7000 ~ 12,000 / semester

About the school

Welcome to Toronto School of Management (TSoM), an innovative postsecondary college offering a broad range of career-focused programs in business administration, hospitality, tourism and accounting. We provide current, relevant programs that focus on applied learning to support the success of our students and communities.

TSoM additional information

➜ Highly rated in Ontario for program and service quality 

➜ Canada’s high academic standards and rigorous quality controls ensure high-quality education that is globally recognized

Toronto School of Management Profile

School location

Toronto/ON: 22 College St, M5G 1K2

Featured Programs

This one-year course will give you the skills to begin and succeed in a career in hospitality and tourism. It focuses on the most up-to-date developments in the hospitality industry, helping you to:

  • Develop professional hotel competencies such as effective communication skills, good customer service skills, leadership, and team work, ensuring that you are providing a high quality product or service to your customers
  • Gain supervised practical work experience directly related to your academic and career goals


  • Become immediately effective within the hospitality and tourism industry through understanding the principles and procedures of a range of hospitality functions, including front desk operations, housekeeping, and food and beverage production

The Diploma in Business Administration is for students who want a successful career in business management. Graduates can seek roles in a variety of different fields, including marketing, finance, human resources and management.

You will be able to:

  • Identify and understand the techniques and theories of successful business, including how to manage finance, the fundamental principles of marketing, and how to create effective strategies
  • Develop the necessary skills and knowledge to make an impact in the workplace, such as understanding the relationships between businesses and different local, national, and global environments


  • Use cognitive and problem-solving skills to improve your communication skills and operate effectively individually and as part of a team

Learn to succeed in Big Data and browse our course option under this field below.

Choosing to study within this area will serve you well as you can go onto work from anywhere in the world in our digital age. With this knowledge, you also have the freedom of choosing which sector you’d like to be employed in meaning that you’ll also get the chance to operate in a number of diverse environments.

Possible job titles include data scientist, analyst and more and it’s predicted that in the next few years there will be massive demand for jobs in this area and enjoy great salaries due to a current talent shortage. You will also have the option to work in a permanent position or as a freelancer, whether you wish to work in HR, marketing, finance or anything else.

As well as practical knowledge, you will also gain an array of transferrable skills such as team management, group work, presentation skills and more.


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Toronto, ON

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